Monday, May 27, 2013

From Germany

Michael, I'm so glad that I've found you...

I Love You, you're forever in my heart.

From Hungary


 Linda & Rheannon love & miss you so much. Our beautiful angel. Love forever.

From Spain



I just want to say "you are my life"!


From USA

We'll never let you part for you are always in our hearts. 

From three sisters who love you,
Karen, Nancy & BJ/Maggie

From Canada

Michael you were my "first love" when I was only 11 years old in 1982, that love has never wavered and it only continues to grow! You were one of the most amazing human beings to grace our world! You are proof that Angels walk among us! You are deeply and sincerely loved and missed! Thank you for everything you have given and continue to give to brighten the darkness in our world! 

I will love you forever,
Michelle Guse 

From Valencia, Spain

Thank You for everything you do for me every single day.
It's amazing how i can feel you around me all the time.I'm blessed.

With so much love from your Tinkerbell, 

~ LOVE is a feeling ~ with all my heart I LOVE YOU MORE MICHAEL.

From United Kingdom

Dearest Michael,
I will always be a Soldier of Love for you.
4 years on I still miss you like crazy but rejoice in all you have given us.
We know you’re with the Lord, in a place of bliss
and though we long to have you back
We never truly let you part, for you’re always in our hearts
Forever your defender

To Michael, the most amazing person that has ever lived. You will never be forgotten and the memories you gave me will live on. 

I miss and love you so much. 
Deborah Rohlf

From The Netherlands

Michael, you are in my heart. 

All my love, 
Caroline J

From Atlanta, Georgia

For every year since you went away
I place one rose to help me say
that for the love you showed for me
I will honor that love, eternally

Thanks for always remembering Michael, always

Cassaundra Mathis

From France

Days, months, years pass, your absence is always unbearable to me ... I want You close to us and finally happy, recognized by all People as the most wonderful Being that our Earth has ever worn. Love You and Miss You more each day. 

You and I, It's for All Time

From Brooklyn, New York, USA

Dearest Michael,

I write this message of love and gratitude with tears in my eyes.  These humble words cannot possibly express how much I miss you. I believe when you left you took a tiny part of my heart with you, so whatever happens Michael,  we are connected forever. I thank GOD that you are safe and in HIS loving embrace.
Michael, I’ve cried for you for these past years and I know I will cry  for years to come. But I’ve also celebrated your kind and giving heart, your courage,  your music, your grace and your everlasting beauty.  I thank you Michael  for sharing your God given talents with me and the entire world. God Bless your  family and especially your children, and may God continue to strengthen and protect your loving fans all around the world. 
With my deepest respect. 

Your Soldier of Love, 

From Ethiopia-USA

Dear Michael,

4 years! Thats how long it has been since I lost my inspiration, Love, Best human being I've ever known. My heart is happy to know that you're with your maker and he will protect you! Even though it's still hard to think that you're gone, the pain is easing with time. Know that I, WE (the fans) will always have your back with out question! You have been so much through in your life and we were there for you and We will continue to be there for you! Love you very much and will try to look in the mirror and change the world bit by bit. God bless you and Rest in peace!

Romi (Tsedenia)

From England

Sweet dreams Michael. Rest in peace.

 Paulette and Carol

From Simi Valley, CA

Dear Michael, 

It is almost 4 years since you returned Home.  Your light continues to inspire me every day.  Your messages of healing the world were heard very clearly. Many use your messages as inspiration to bring awareness of oneness and to heal the world.  You inspire my creativity. You inspire my heart to open even wider; to give more love and let more love in.  I will always work to preserve your legacy and heal the world.  Thank you.  

With my sincerest gratitude and L.O.V.E. 
 Kimberly Bonk


You'll be always in my heart.

I love you so much.


From Las Vegas

With all our love.

Linda  and  Darlene

Monday, May 20, 2013

From Chicago, IL. USA

To the Honorable Saint Michael;
Dear Michael, I have come in humility and love. These are precarious times. I love you now and evermore, and my testimony will bear witness to it always. Your presence was so powerful here, that they are waging a war against you in this realm. It is incredible, indeed. They do not understand that the sovereignty of God is impenetrable. We know that to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. So, they cannot harm you now or ever as the authority does not lie with them. I pray for the weaker ones, who through deception could lose faith on this side of heaven. You taught our hearts in abundance, because you taught us how to love. Thank you dear Michael. I read the revelation of what happens on your side of Heaven, I am happy.

Revelation 12:7-12
Now war arose in heaven, Michael and his angels fighting against the dragon. And the dragon and his angels fought back, but he was defeated, and there was no longer any place for them in heaven. And the great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent, who is called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world—he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him. And I heard a loud voice in heaven, saying, “Now the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God and the authority of his Christ have come, for the accuser of our brothers has been thrown down, who accuses them day and night before our God. And they have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they loved not their lives even unto death. ...

Rev. Dr. Catherine M.Gross

Dear Michael
I bought these Roses to show you how much I Love you, to thank you for everything that you shared with us. Because of you I took a giant step in my life that has made such a wonderful change. Where ever you may be I'll look up and see someone in the dark for me.
Love Patti

Michael, I love you very much, you are forever in my heart.

Chicago, IL USA


I am forever grateful to you for your LOVE and inspiration. It has really made me a better person. I will continue your legacy, my legacy, our legacy in making this universe a much better place for all. It is never too late to make a difference! 

Love you more! 
Denise Lowum

Sunday, May 19, 2013

From Germany


Through your LOVE, I’m wrapped in sunlight, warming my heart, enlightening my soul.

Thank you so much, Michael 

We love you beyond words,
Trudi and Bibbi 

From Northern Ireland


We miss you every day, but we are happy you are at rest. 

Always in our hearts, we WILL be there. 

Loyal for always, we continue to remember, support and celebrate your legacy. 

We love you more,
Martin, Leanne & Family

L.O.V.E. you always Michael...Susan

Hi, My L~O~V~E, 

Sending You These Roses On This Anniversary Of The Day You Took Your Rightful Place In Heaven. Even Though It's So Hard To Not Have You Here. I Know In My Heart You're In A Much Better Place.

I Miss You More And More Each Day. Sending You All My L~O~V~E!!!

I Promise To L~O~V~E You FOREVER & a DAY!!!

Your Greatest Admirer, 

From Spain

Your precious Soul will always be
Traveling through the wind
Through the white clouds
Following them playing hide and seek with the sun.
Thank you sweetheart...
For so many years of joy

God bless your soul.

You are always remembered with LOVE 


From Dublin, Ireland

You were a brief sprinkling of gold dust that swept through the world...And you fell on every corner of it. Michael, you will remain in the hearts of millions of those who are Young and Old - Rich and Poor - Those who are of All Races - Religions - Cultures - Nationalities - Skin-tones and on and on. You had the longest and widest reach than anyone before you or present. Your stay was brief, but your legacy of music and love will go on and on. 
*Sweet* dreams, Michael Xx

All I ever wanted to do was shake your hand and if you offered a hug I'd take it then look you in the eyes and say, "Thank you. Thank you for sharing your gift of love, passion, and music with me and the world. I see you and you're beautiful as you are. YOU, Michael, are not alone." I wanted to greet you as a friend and have the opportunity to give back a minor fraction of the good you gave. I had no childhood because of an abusive father. I'm a poet and a lyricist yet I've never achieved greatness. Music moves through me and lyrics just come as I've heard you describe. I'm very much alone because of illnesses I have and an awkwardness and insecurities around other people from the abuse. I know loneliness and the fear/pain/angst of it. I also tend to not trust people or let them in cause not just the abuse from childhood but also adulthood. People can be so damn cold and mean. I'm passionate about children as well and I share in your crusade of protecting them and their innocence because mine was so violently taken from me. How anybody could misinterpret your regards to children never made sense to me. Teenagers on my school bus when I was a teen use to say hateful things about me/to me. I was in the front of the bus with the elementary kids playing around and making them laugh. Your music pulls everything that's buried in me out and exposes me. When I need to grieve the loss of my childhood and that little girl I listen to Childhood and the wonder, sadness, pain, and joy all in the roller coasters of your beautiful emotion helps me know I'm not alone. There are so many examples of how your music motivates me into celebration, healing, joy, and, like with Childhood or Stranger In Moscow cause I feel like that stranger too, when I need to feel that pain I can release it in the pain I hear in you and know it's the same emotion. First time I heard Stranger In Moscow and that longing and desperation in your voice it just grabbed me. My heart broke for you. Often times I'd see you going through things and I'd wonder, 'Who does he have? Is there anyone telling him that he is loved? Is anybody being strong for him?' You were not so misunderstood after all. If only I could've shared with you that I see you and it's ok. Just being Michael is enough. You were so much more than the King of Pop. You feel like my friend. I feel like I know you cause of our parallels. I would've loved to bond with you over conversations and seen your animations as your thoughts come together, keep your secrets, have water balloon fights and play hide and seek. I love you for so much more than your crown. You said in your heart that you will always be Peter Pan. In my heart, I will always resemble you and it isn't idolatry, lust, or worship. It's simply as my friend who has walked the same road I have although we've never met and it was years apart. I feel your journey in your songs because it's my journey too.  Rest easy, Michael, please. Nobody can hurt you now. 

                                                                                                                                                                           All my love, respect, and gratitude,
                                                                                                                                                                                          Jesse Radford

Sometimes I wonder, how can we go on without you.  There are days and nights I feel that we are all so alone because you do not walk among us, talk to us.  But then I play your music and realize, you haven't left us at all. You gave us gifts to last a lifetime and wise words to last generations. Solid words spoken with kindness and love, teaching us lessons of understanding, caring and the importance of protecting Earth Mother.

I am the girl with the cast on her leg and I love you, have loved you, the person, the humantarian, for my lifetime and I respect you.   I will never stop.  We are connected worldwide with you and through you forever.

Love you most,

From Denmark

Dear Michael. 

I miss and love you so very much


From Wiltshire, U.K.

It’s been 4 very long years and we miss you more and more every day. You will always be in our hearts.

Love you more,
Michelle and Lauryn

From Winnipeg, MB Canada

I love and miss you always.

From Maryland, USA

No farewell words were spoken,
No time to say goodbye,
You were gone before we knew it,
And only God knows why.

We miss and love you Michael.

From Russia

Dear Michael,

I will always love you!

I miss you so much!

Thank you, that changed my life forever.

With Iove, 

From Russia


I love you so much!

I really miss you!

With love, 

From Russia

Dear Michael, 

You're a part of me!

With love,

From Russia

Dear Michael, 

Thank you for your light, love, kindness, for changing my life forever.

I love you so very much.

God bless you,

From Russia

Dear Michael, 

I love you with all my heart always!

Thank you for your light, thank you for your love for me, Michael!

I always miss you... God bless You!

Please come back me dream...

With love, 



I love you! You are always in my heart! You rock my world!!!

I love you more.....

From Baltimore, Maryland-USA


I love you and thank you for all you did for us.

Our world would have been colder and emptier if you had not come to us and given us your love. 

We/I just want you to know that the LOVE we/I have for you is...


Elizabeth Burgess

Michael was a peerless talented artist but this has no comparison to the beauty of his heart.During all his life he had at heart to help as many children and people as he could and most of the time in secret . Despite hatred racism and jealousy he only spread love and forgiveness. I hope one day people will realize we lost a man with the nobleness like Gandhi or Mother Theresa or M Luther King...Once in a lifetime you're blessed if you meet such an angel. 

I will stand for him and love him til my last breath because what he gave is beyond words. 

I love you, Michael for all time♥

From Tasmania, Australia


I will always love you. I am your soldier of L.O.V.E.

R.I.P my beautiful angel.

4 years already...
It still hurts..
I miss you so much
Lid Lily

From Russia


I love you! Thanks for your magic! 

Margarita Veselova

Sending Love from Around the World